ETO COC Syllabus | Preparation for ETO COC Oral examination

Preparation for Electro Technical Officer COC Oral examination-ETO

    ETO CoC syllabus

    As per STCW

    Annex 1 - Seafarers Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code

    Part A - Mandatory standards regarding provisions of the annex to the STCW Convention

    Chapter III – Standards regarding engine department

    Section A-III/6 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical officers

    Function: Electrical, electronic, and control engineering at the operational level


    Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic, and control systems

    Basic understanding of the operation of mechanical engineering systems, including:

    ·        Prime movers, including the main propulsion plant

    ·        Engine-room auxiliary machinery

    ·        Steering systems

    ·        Cargo handling systems

    ·        Deck machinery

    ·        Hotel systems

    ·        Electro-technology and electrical machines theory

    ·        Fundamentals of electronics and power electronics

    ·        Electrical power distribution boards and electrical equipment

    ·        Fundamentals of automation, automatic control systems, and technology

    ·        Instrumentation, alarm and monitoring systems

    ·        Electrical drives

    ·        Technology of electrical materials

    ·        Electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic control systems

    Appreciation of the hazards and precautions required for the operation of power systems above 1,000 volts


    Monitor the operation of automatic control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery

    Preparation of control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery for operation

    Surveillance of the main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems is sufficient to maintain safe operation condition


    Operate generators and distribution systems

    Coupling, load sharing and changing over generators

    Coupling and breaking connection between switchboards and distribution panels

    Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure the safety of operations

    Electrical distribution systems can be understood and explained with drawings/instructions


    Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts

    Theoretical knowledge

    High-voltage technology

    Safety precautions and procedures

    Electrical propulsion of the ships, electrical motors, and control systems

    Practical knowledge

    Safe operation and maintenance of high-voltage systems, including knowledge of the special technical type of high-voltage systems and the danger resulting from an operational voltage of more than 1,000 volts

    Operations are planned and carried out in accordance with operating manuals, established rules and procedures to ensure the safety of operations


    Operate computers and computer networks on ships

    Understanding of:

    ·        Main features of data processing

    ·        Construction and use of computer networks on ships

    ·        Bridge-based, engine-room-based and commercial computer use

    Use internal communication systems

    Operation of all internal communication systems onboard


    Function: Maintenance and repair at the operational level

    Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment

    Safety requirements for working on shipboard electrical systems, including the safe isolation of electrical equipment required before personnel are permitted to work on such equipment

    Maintenance and repair of electrical system equipment, switchboards, electric motors, generators and DC electrical systems and equipment

    Detection of electric malfunction, location of faults, and measures to prevent damage

    Construction and operation of electrical testing and measuring equipment

    Function and performance tests of the following equipment and their configuration:

    Monitoring systems

    Automatic control devices

    Protective devices

    The interpretation of electrical and electronic diagrams

    Safety measures for working are appropriate

    Selection and use of hand tools, measuring instruments, and testing equipment are appropriate and interpretation of results is accurate

    Dismantling, inspecting, repairing, and reassembling equipment are in accordance with manuals and good practice

    Reassembling and performance testing is in accordance with manuals and good practice


    Maintenance and repair of automation and control systems of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery

    Appropriate electrical and mechanical knowledge and skills

    Safety and emergency procedures

    Safe isolation of equipment and associated systems required before personnel are permitted to work on such plant or equipment

    Practical knowledge for the testing, maintenance, fault finding, and repair

    Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition

    Maintenance and repair of bridge navigation equipment and ship communication systems

    Knowledge of the principles and maintenance procedures of navigation equipment, internal and external communication systems

    Theoretical knowledge:

    Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas

    Practical knowledge:

    Carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures

    Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults, and action to prevent damage

    Maintenance and repair of electrical, electronic, and control systems of deck machinery and cargo-handling equipment

    Appropriate electrical and mechanical knowledge and skills

    Safety and emergency procedures

    Safe isolation of equipment and associated systems required before personnel are permitted to work on such plant or equipment

    Practical knowledge for the testing, maintenance, fault finding, and repair

    Test, detect faults and maintain and restore electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition

    Maintenance and repair of control and safety systems of hotel equipment

    Theoretical knowledge:

    Electrical and electronic systems operating in flammable areas

    Practical knowledge:

    Carrying out safe maintenance and repair procedures

    Detection of machinery malfunction, location of faults, and action to prevent damage


    Function: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board at operational level

    Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements

    Prevention of pollution of the marine environment

    Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment

    Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment

    Importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment

    Procedures for monitoring shipboard operations and ensuring compliance with pollution-prevention requirements are fully observed

    Actions to ensure that a positive environmental reputation is maintained

    Prevent, control and fight fire on board

    Fire prevention and fire-fighting appliances

    Ability to organize fire drills

    Knowledge of classes and chemistry of fire

    Knowledge of fire-fighting systems

    Action to be taken in the event of a fire, including fires involving oil systems

    The type and the scale of the problem is promptly identified and initial actions conform with the emergency procedure and contingency plans for the ship

    Evacuation, emergency shutdown, and isolation procedures are appropriate to the nature of the emergency and are implemented promptly

    The order of priority, and the levels and time-scales of making reports and informing personnel on board, are relevant to the nature of the emergency and reflect the urgency of the problem

    Operate life-saving appliances


    Ability to organize abandon ship drills and knowledge of the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, their launching appliances and arrangements, and their equipment, including radio life-saving appliances, satellite EPIRBs, SARTs, immersion suits, and thermal protective aids

    Actions in responding to abandon ship and survival situations are appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions and comply with accepted safety practices and standards

    Apply medical first aid on board ship
    Medical aid

    Practical application of medical guides and advice by radio, including the ability to take effective action based on such knowledge in the case of accidents or illnesses that are likely to occur onboard ship

    Identification of probable cause, nature, and extent of injuries or conditions is prompt and treatment minimize the immediate threat to life

    Application of leadership and teamwork skills

    Working knowledge of shipboard personnel management and training

    Ability to apply task and workload management, including:

    ·        Planning and co-ordination

    ·        Personnel assignment

    ·        Time and resource constraints

    ·        Prioritization

    ·        Allocation, assignment, and prioritization of resources

    ·        Effective communication onboard and ashore

    ·        Decisions reflect consideration of team experiences

    ·        Assertiveness and leadership, including motivation

    ·        Obtaining and maintaining situational awareness

    Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:

    ·        Situation and risk assessment

    ·        Identify and consider generated options

    ·        Selecting course of action

    ·        Evaluation of outcome effectiveness

    Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship

    Knowledge of personal survival techniques

    Knowledge of fire prevention and ability to fight and extinguish fires

    Knowledge of elementary first aid

    Knowledge of personal safety and social responsibilities

    Appropriate safety and protective equipment is correctly used

    Procedures and safe working practices designed to safeguard personnel and the ship is observed at all times

    Procedures designed to safeguard the environment are observed at all times

    Initial and follow-up actions on becoming aware of an emergency conform with established emergency response procedures


    How to prepare for ETO COC oral examination?

    • Practice makes perfect so prepare well
    • Prepare well in MARPOL, SOLAS, MLC, STCW, and SAFETIES




    • RADAR
    • AIS
    • VDR
    • BNWAS and etc.


    • Power factor
    • AVR
    • phasor diagram
    • Star and Delta connection
    • Synchronizing
    • Distribution system
    • Transformer
    • High voltage
    • Switch Gears
    • Neutral systems
    • Protection Devices and etc.




    • Basic electronics
    • Power electronics
    • SCR
    • DIODE
    • MOSFET
    • IGBT
    • INVERTER and etc.


    • All chapters
    • Emergency generator regulations 
    • Steering gear regulations
    • Emergency fire pump regulations
    • Emergency battery regulations
    • GMDSS regulations
    • Lifeboat regulations
    • Reefer cable regulations
    • Bulk carrier ship regulations


    • All annexes


    • MSB safties
    • Engine room crane safeties
    • Deck crane safties
    • boiler safties
    • Alternator safeties
    • Steering gear safeties
    • Incinerator safties
    • main engine safties
    • Lifeboat safeties
    • Emergency generator safeties
    • Bow thruster safties
    • Tanker ship safties
    • bulk carrier ship safties
    • Container ship safeties
    • IG safties
    • Pump room safties



    What should you do during the oral exam?

    • Be punctual, don't arrive late for the exam
    • Oral exams will be stressful so don't be panic. Keep calm
    • Be positive and answer confidently
    • Listen well and understand the asked question
    • Take some time to answer questions during your oral.
    • Don’t tell any story and provides an appropriate short answer.
    • Always follow the safety guidelines before giving answers. Like work permits, risk assessment, and lockout take out.
    • Should be avoided lengthy answer because it'll cause many cross questions
    • Must be confident when gives your answer
    • If you lose your confidence surveyor will ask many cross-questions.

    Don’t stress yourself. You are destined to pass this exam with flying colors. All the best dear friends.

    Frequently asked oral questions and answers:

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    1. What is ETO COC? Is there a course that is best for shipping companies?

    2. Electricaltro hydraulic crane digram sent please

    3. Very good effort sir...thanks for giving a basic but clear cut idea about the syllabus.

    4. Sir, please add previous model question paper

    5. How to access all oral questions content , some specific topic only able to open.


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