Eto ORAL questions asked in Chennai MMD, Mumbai MMD, Kochin MMD, and Kolkata MMD
(ignore the grammar mistake)
- How will you enter duct keel
- How will you extinguish the fire in a container?
- How will you identify a PCB and what all components are fitted and how will you identify it and working of all semiconductor components
- How will you know that the flame sensor is faulty?
- How will you order cable?
- How will you reset the system after you tried the level alarm?
- How will you work on any high voltage equipment?
- How would you install a new pressure switch in hydrophore?
- How would you test the main LO standby pump in case running p/p failures and what r the condition standby p/p will take over
- How you decide to use DOL, Star delta and auto transformer when installing new equipment.
- How you will connect the synchronous condenser to MSB and how it will help to improve the power factor?
- How you will extinguish the fire in between containers on deck.
- How you will get Vrms equal to Vm/root 2
- How you will increase the insulation of cargo pumps if it’s an emergency and you need to improve the insulation in order to discharge.
- How you will release CO2.
- How Zener diode working what is break down voltage in Zener diode
- Hydric locking alarm
- Hydrophore p/p is cut in cut off what is the reasons
- Hyper mist and co2
- Hyper mist system, how it works, how it extinguishes the fire, how activate, the protection given where
- ICCP draw and explain
- ICCP? (Why we using zinc as ref electrode)
- IF - a narrow amplifier which having very high gain i.e. 60 to 70 MHz
- If 2 gen is running and one v is 440v other is 410v. What u will check other than AVR? If 9 terminals in motor what for 9 terminals?
- If any motor comes to ship what is your job on that
- if bow thruster use to take on the load at 3 generators but now we want to take on the load at 2 generators which have sufficient load capacity then will bow thruster come load at 2 generators if yes then how?
- If connected in the Zener diode series what will happen?
- If earth fault in 24 v DC what you will do? Can you use Megger for rectifying the earth's fault?
- If in your motor inside seawater gone, how will rectify?
- If the steering gear system is not working, what could be the possible reason?
- If the Synchro scope is malfunctioning, which instrument is most essential to parallel an alternator with the bus bar?
- If there is a fire in the CO2 room how will you fight?
- If there is no STP on-board can we discharge sewage?
- If we have 300 ton AC and it is not working, the company send 500 ton AC. How you run the compressor?
- If you hear the 220V low insulation alarm what is your action?
- If your synchroscope is not working how you will parallel the Generator?
- IG alarms and trips.
- IG requirements
- IG System detailed explanation.
- IGBT and SCR (VFD and soft starter)
- IGBT symbol and explain, MOSFET feature.
- IGG not firing also no alarm on the control panel, what is your action.
- IMDG class
- IMDG codes.
- IMDG purpose, Classes, UN and PSN
- IMDG volumes, UN number, how many books, classes, and some cross questions
- In MOSFET and transistor which is a voltage device which is current device?
- In ODME which data record
- In reefer, high discharge trip again and again why?
- In reefer, what are the causes of air ingress in the system?
- In the RLC circuit when will get maxim current.
- In sea passage, if you get 440v low insulation alarm what will be your action.
- In solenoid coil, D. C. current is there or A. C. current
- In ST. Gear PID sequence.
- In the UMS ship before departure, what will check as an ETO?
- Incinerator and boiler flame eye is there any difference?
- Induction motor principle
- Infrared and UV flame detectors
- Input-Output signals in PLC
- Insulation class and temperature
- Insulation class?
- International Shore coupling dimensions
- Ionization type of fire detector.
- IOPP issued by
- IP and what is it based on?
- IR Flame sensor, in detail.
- Is synchronous motor self-starting?
- ISPS (SOLAS chapter 11-2)
- ISPS drill frequency
- ISPS, procedure, plan, etc.?
- Jacket water control system
- Latest regulation regarding garbage disposal
- Lifeboat launching procedure
- Lifeboat SOLAS regulations. Safeties and how to launch lifeboat and checks to be carried out before launch and so many cross questions till not satisfied.
- Life raft
- Life throwing apparatus
- Lifeboat safeties
- List all the components illustrated in it
- List of MARPOL equipment in your ship
- List of navigational equipment’s
- List the possible causes.
- Lub oil pump running and can't stop the main engine you want to test the other pump working or not? The answer is not the pressure switch.
- M/E after stand by, 2/E says to you check the M/E and everything good or not? And how u know.
- M/E LO cooler block and explain
- Magnetron changing procedure
- Main air compressor diagram, unloader, and safeties
- Main air compressor starter diagram, functions of pressure switches, setting, priority selection pressure switches
- Main engine safeties.
- Main engine starting air system automation and control system.
- Main engine tacho system how it works
- Main engine trips in LOLP how the trip is executed electrically.
- Maintenance on alkaline batteries
- Maintenance on gyro
- Manual testing of Reverse power relay
- MARPOL all annex from 1 to 6
- MARPOL Annex 6 equipment’s
- MARPOL Annex 6? What other pollutants except SOX, NOX??
- MARPOL how will u pump out bilges and regulations?
- Master-slave control
- ME alarms & trips with value
- ME Governor Controller
- ME piston ring calibration
- Meaning of expansion valve in AC.
- MGPS + cross questions
- MLC regulation, when it comes in Regulation, and why the need of MLC
- Monthly routine of DCP.
- Motor enclosures
- Motor taking 100A full load current then. Tell the starting current of the motor
- Motor terminal identification
- MOU?
- MSB fire. What u will do?
- MSB safety
- MSB safety check in front of the surveyor on board.
- MSW motor is immersed in seawater, what is your action and cross-questions.
- Multi-Gas Detector
- Name Ozone Depleting substance which is having ODP value one.
- Navigation light comes under which SOLAS regulation
- Navigational light circuit and if the main bulb fused, state of standby bulb
- Need of Loadicator
- NER value calculation
- NOX tier 2 and tier 3
- OCM working
- ODMCS principle operation in details. Cross questions.
- ODMCS requirements and discharging criteria.
- OFF delay timer
- Oil record book entries
- Oily water separator is running for 4 hours but oiler came to u and said bilge tank level is rising. What can be the reason!?
- OMD purpose and testing procedure what is flashpoint and y it is important
- OMD sensor
- ON delay and OFF delay timer symbols
- On the ship, which place you will get more earth faults?
- On UMS ships what all other alarms etc.
- One dark two bright lamp method?
- One of motor man or engineer said one seawater pipeline is leaking and falling on motor .what is your Acton
- One portable co2 extinguisher is placed near MSB to fight the fire on it.
- Operating range of aux. /main S/G & time
- OWS discharge criteria
- OWS purpose and testing procedure
- OWS types and working
- OWS working principle and testing procedure.
- Oxygen analyzer working and how to calibrate
- Parametric movement of the container
- Performance of fire fighting equipment?
- PID tuning
- PID working and concerned equipment on-board?
- Piercing applicator for container fire fighting
- Piezoelectric effect
- PLC battery change procedure?
- PLC controller explains in brief.
- Pneumatic control by Flapper and Nozzle method.
- PNP and NPN
- Portable fire extinguishers, weight, SOLAS regulations, maintenance, etc.?
- Power generation
- Precautions while loading IMDG cargo
- Preferential trip explain with diagram?
- Preferential trip method of overcurrent protection?
- Preferential Trip relay explain
- Pressure drop test for compressors?
- Pressure sensor type and calibration.
- Primary and secondary winding in the lightning transformer
- Procedure for changing the fire sensor
- Procedure to work on the radar?
- Proportionate valve and IP converter
- Proximity sensor how it works?
- Proximity sensor, working, where it is used. Difference between proximity and limit switch.
- PSC preparedness by ETO
- PT 100 working range and zero calibration? fish room/meat r00m temp sensor calibration.
- Pump room safeties and timing for light after you switch on the fan
- Purpose of Torsion box in a container ship
- Radar and its possible faults and troubleshooting magnetron changing procedure
- Radar block diagram and frequencies of VHF and Doppler’s log
- Radar frequencies. And Working.
- Radar maintenance.
- Read switch testing.
- Read the drawing of a motor which is having sequential starting
- Reefer container alarm/ Trips & operation.
- Reefer containers, working, power ratings, generator capacity of the ship.
- Reefer gas charging procedure & Gas recovery
- Reefer- refrigeration cycle, gas charging, and recovery
- Refer cable of regulation
- Refrigeration charging processor and how it recover?
- Refrigeration plant in detail.
- Regulation for ballast water management
- Regulation for steering gear motor
- Regulation for steering gear?
- Reliquefaction plant
- Return path of current in 3 phase
- Reverse power relay working
- Rudder not responding for autopilot command. Necessary actions
- Safe container conventions, total no of the annexe, and explain (date of enforcement)
- Safeties of co2 system
- Safeties of compressor room and motor room
- Safeties of the deck and engine crane and precautions
- Safety convention follows on the ship.
- Safety devises on-board to detect the presence of h2s?
- Safety inside the boiler furnace?
- Safety Management Certificate
- Safety of IG, type of Radar used for tank gauging and how is the signal transmitted?
- Safety precautions for working on H.V. equipment.
- Saturday routine how to check hyper mist and flame sensor
- SCADA? Difference between SCADA and PLC? Uses?
- SCBA pre-check.
- SCBA, safety checks, Pressure, Whistle timing and at what pressure it starts whistling
- Second Engineer tells you one motor is not starting and what are the reasons and how would you check?
- SEEMP and role of ETO in it.
- Sensors fitted in on-board
- Sequential starting of motor - which motor will start first after blackout?
- Setting of Reverse power relay what and explain why it is this?
- SF6 breaker content
- Shaft earthing and why we need and used to preventing what. And Cross questions.
- Ship's construction
- Short circuit in single-phase how?
- Short circuit Vs earth fault?
- Sine waveform for voltage current and power for one cycle.
- Single phasing-what happens in the delta and star-connected motors.
- Skin effect
- Slip in induction motor
- Smoke detection system and how it works.
- Smoke detection system for cargo hold
- Soft starter (cross-questions) SCR working& its layer
- Soft starter circuit diagram and cross-questions
- SOLAS chapter 11.2 and instruments on board related to it.
- SOLAS chapter 12 in detail & cargo hold safeties in the bulk carrier.
- SOLAS chapter 12 WIDAS, Loadicator, co2, smoke detection system
- SOLAS chapter 14
- SOLAS chapter 9
- SOLAS Chapter name and explain chapter 12
- SOLAS chapter number, the name for the bulk carrier regulations and what the chapter says.
- SOLAS full form, all chapters include Chapter-II -1 Part D in details + Regulation 44
- SOLAS regulations for bulk career
- SOLAS regulations for the sprinkler system and on board where it uses
- SOLAS related to the electrical system.
- SOLAS requirement of the steering system. Type of steering motor. What is the difference in steering motors and other motors? Safety alarms. Hydraulic lock. What is 100% redundancy in the steering?
- SOPEP equipment’s
- Space heater for the motor, where it is fitted in the system
- Special about LPG ship compared to other ships
- Specification of lamps used in cargo clusters
- Speed control of squirrel cage induction motor electrically and mechanically.
- Speed torque curve of induction motor.
- SSAS block diagram and regulations.
- Stability questions: trim, list, draft.
- Staffing valve in co2
- Star delta and auto transformer starters.
- Star delta starter cross-question
- Starter routine
- Starter type fire pump
- State the regulation for steering gear
- Steering gear alarms
- Steering gear diagram tracing.
- Steering gear hydraulic lock alarm and how will you rectify it?
- Steering gear hydraulic lock alarm not resetting your actions
- Steering gear hydraulic lock reset?
- Steering gear regulation and safeties in that how auto isolation will work.
- Steering gear safematic. Block explains.
- STEL value for h2s
- STP working principle
- Suction discharge pressure relation with AC/Reefer plant starting stopping?
- Suppose CE told you to check star delta motor what all cold checks you will do (without dismantling the motor)
- Tell about pyrotechnics
- Temperature class and insulation class of motors.
- Temperature sensor
- Temperature sensor calibration
- Tender ship
- Testing of emergency lights weekly from the transition source.
- Testing procedures sprinkler system.
- The induction motor has maximum efficiency at which time?
- The relay which is giving starting signal for an emergency generator.
- This rheostat type voltage regulator. Anyone know why shunt field is connected in series with rheostat
- Thyristor working.
- Time delay in the fire detection system
- Timer circuit explanation
- Torque speed characteristics
- Toxic gases in enclosed space
- Transformer efficiency
- Transformer parallel operation
- Transformer paralleling cross questions
- Transformers secondary is open will current flow in it
- Transistor as an amplifier
- Trigger, IF, Magnetron?
- True North and other north
- Turbocharger rpm sensor working
- Types of fire sensors?
- Types of heat detectors and working
- Types of insulation class
- Types of materials used for insulation
- Types of motors ac and dc and different type of rotors
- Types of packing for IMDG
- Types of RADAR
- Types of reefers on-board
- Types of timers & their use with drawings.
- UMS checklist procedure
- UN and PSN
- UTI tape
- UV level sensor. Block and explain
- Values of PI and DAR
- Various batteries on-board, VRLA batteries, capacity and charging method, maintenance on batteries,
- VCB rack out procedure
- VCB safeties
- VDR working various inputs
- VFD, speed control of the motor,
- Viscotherm meter diagram and explanation
- Viscotherm why we use and a motor is running continuously on-board to maintain viscosity where it is located
- Voltage or current is danger to the human body? Current and Voltage values that can cause electrical shock/death to human being and cross-questions
- Water ingress alarm system, sensor locations, purpose, indicator the panel, SOLAS chapter 12?
- Welding machine has step up or step down transformer
- Welding transformer
- What action u take fire in the galley
- What action you will take in case of an OMD alarm?
- What all checks to be done on cables to find cable is good or bad
- What all frequencies we have to remember from Pulse Radar
- What all gas measuring meter provide on board how will u measure it's working principles.
- What all gases measures in the multi-gas detector
- What all information in capacity plan
- What all information in fire fighting plan
- What all works done on reefer without anyone helping
- What and all conventions applied to the container ship
- What and all extinguishing systems in the galley
- What are active devices and passive devices?
- What are the different alarms in the gas detection system?
- What are frame cargo pump interlocks?
- What are markings on portable fire extinguisher?
- What are the alarms provided in the refrigeration system and what safety provided inside the meet room and fish room
- What is the cause of the defect of PLC?
- What are the classes of garbage?
- What are the components of ICCP?
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